Kale chips

Another convert to kale chips. My sister-in-law sent me a text today with this simple exclamation: “Hooray for kale crisps”. Call them chips or crisps they are a fabulous snack that everybody seems to like. In our house they are the most kids friendly way to eat the mighty kale. Also this is the perfect recipe for kids to help with.

So what is all the fuss about? Kale is the queen of all veggies, the most nutrient dense one out there, full of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytochemicals and even protein. Eat it raw, steamed, in soups, stews, in juices and smoothies and of course as chips.


When making kale crisps, I find a proper bunch of kale (preferably organic) is better than the shredded supermarket variety. You can still use supermarket kale for chips, however they tend to shred it into strips with the stalks left in. And these are tough, inedible. Removing them is rather time consuming. Bunched kale gives you the opportunity to remove the stalk and leave the kale in larger pieces.

The chips keep really well in an airtight container just make sure the container is perfectly dry.

Basic kale chips

Roughly 120g of kale is enough for 1 baking tray. If using method number 1, cooking kale chips at higher temperature, start checking them after about 5 min, I remove the ones that are done and put back in the oven and check again in 2 min. My oven has heat spots so I don’t ever get all the chips perfectly cooked at one time. Also smaller pieces will obviously cook first.The lower heat method takes longer of course, but you are less likely to burn them.

kale ready for oven:

makes one baking tray of chips:


120g(about 4 oz) kale, stripped away from stalks, torn into roughly same size pieces
1/2Tbs olive oil
1/4 tsp salt


1 Preheat the oven ( see step 4 and 5). Wash the kale pieces and spin them dry in a salad spinner.
2 Place the kale into a bowl large enough to hold all the kale. Add the oil and salt. Mix well.
3 Line a baking tray with grease proof paper. Place the kale on the baking sheet in a single layer.
4 Method 1: Bake in 180C oven for about 10 min. Start checking after 5 min. Take out any pieces that are done, they should have no moisture in them and will be crisp all over, not burnt. Place the rest back into the oven and check every 2 min.
5 Method 2: Bake in 150C oven for about 25min. Again check after 10min, and keep checking in 5 min intervals.

Salt and vinegar kale chips

Prepare as above just add 1 Tbs of apple cider or white wine vinegar at the same time as olive oil and salt.

Chips ready to eat:
